Trying to use the SparkFun RTK Reference Station (GPS-22429) as base for Emlid Reach RS+

Good day friends! First of all, I explain that my knowledge of electronics and computing is limited, since my profession is that of a civil engineer, and I bought the SparkFun reference station to carry out a surveying service, I also acquired a couple of Emlid Reach RS+ equipment, which, as I understand, also have the ublox chip. The truth is that I cannot configure the differential correction via NTRIP between the SparkFun base and the Emlid.

The recommended configuration of the Emlid Reach RS+ RTCM3 is as follows:

RTCM_1002: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1010: 0.5Hz

RTCM_1097: 0.5Hz

RTCM_1107: 0.5Hz

RTCM_1117: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1127: 0.5Hz

RTCM_1006: 0.1Hz

However, the default RTCM3 configuration of the SparkFun Reference Station is as follows:

RTCM_1005: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1074: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1077: 0.0Hz

RTCM_1084: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1087: 0.0Hz

RTCM_1094: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1097: 0.0Hz

RTCM_1124: 1.0Hz

RTCM_1127: 0.0Hz

RTCM_1230: 10Hz

RTCM_4072.0: 0.0Hz

RTCM_4072.1: 0.0Hz

I need your knowledge and experience to be able to configure these devices. Thank you so much!

I’d guess that the RS+ units use an earlier ublox chip than the SparkFun RTK products, including the Reference Station. The fact that the RS+ wants RTCM1002 and 1010, which are L1-only messages, led me to me suspect this. A quick web search showed that the RS+ only receives L1 and not L2 signals. See … rsplus.pdf … sage-list/

I would hope you’d be able to get it to work with the correct configuration of RTCM messages. There are some common messages (1097 and 1127) you could try turning on at the Reference Station; I see they are zero’d out in your configuration. You might get lucky. You could look for other common messages between the two units and make sure the Reference Station is sending them.

If you definitively wanted to research this, you could figure out which ublox chip is in the RS+, and digging into the lengthy and detailed ublox documentation for the chip. Y It really depends on the chip in the RS+ and if it will accept the newer RTCM messages. GPS and GNSS technology has moved pretty fast the last 5-10 years and there’s a lot of old gear getting left in the dust.

I’d also be sure that the RTCM message stream is actually flowing from the reference station to the RS+. comm link failures are pretty common.

I use a free demo copy of SNIP to check which RTCM messages a base is sending. There’s a learning curve to set it up, but it’s not terrible.

Thank you toeknee for your replay!