tSilk layer not showing?

I had some text on my tSilk layer of the PCB. I made the eagle files into gerber using the sparkfun thing. When I uploaded it the little previews did not show my text. How can I fix this? Thanks.

When you run the Gerber cam processor you need to go to the silkscreen layers and make sure all the layers you want to go to the silkscreen are highlighted. All the gerber layers are shown in tabs along the top and the Eagle layers that they will be exporting are shown in a picklist on the side.

there are lots of places where you could have muffed it. Do your tsilk and bsilk layers have anything in them? Do they have the right layer numbers? (121, 122, iirc) Did you create the gerbers for the two layers? Did you include them in the zip file? If a gerber file is empty, I believe the bot ignores it and doesn’t report it to you. It might be a good enhancement to the service to report empty gerbers.

I use silk_gen.ulp to create the layers and SFE_cam (or what ever it’s called) to create the gerbers. Haven’t had a problem yet though silk_gen seems to ignore my unchecking “values” sometimes. I delete everything on the value layer to make it work correctly but that’s not your problem.

Hmm the tsilk and bsilk werent checked on the cam file so i checked those off, but now it thinks those layers should be copper! Now what?

what thinks it should be copper? the bot? you can tell it otherwise.

Obviously a guess here, but I think you checked them on the wrong gerber layer. You need to select silkscreen layer from the tab at the top of the CAM processor, then select the Eagle layers you want from the checklist.

So you need to go to the Top Silkscreen tab and select tSilk, then the Bottom Silkscreen tab and select bSilk.

Hopefully it’s that simple.