Tsunami Super WAV Trigger board question

I just received a Tsunami Super WAV Trigger board and am trying to familiarize myself with its features and documentation. I notice a small number of apparent wiring holes on the circuit board some of which, while tantalizingly labeled, I find no mention of in the currently available documentation. Of these, one is simply labeled “Playing”; is this to enable connection to an Arduino pin to detect if the Trigger board is currently playing one or more tracks (i.e. a simple “playing” vs. “silent” indicator)? There are some holes which suggest 3.3v power taps, one which seems a ground? There are also holes on the edge of the board near the reset button and the “user reset” button (and what is that for?) that are not marked. Finally there are holes for a tiny 2x5 connector of some type, no labels, no doc, nada…

Anyone know what can/could/should not be done with any of these? Robertsonic’s site provided no additional information other than schematics which I cannot translate so no help there.

There are also holes on the edge of the board near the reset button and the “user reset” button (and what is that for?) that are not marked. Finally there are holes for a tiny 2x5 connector of some type, no labels, no doc, nada…

Looking at the board layout and schematic this is mostly likely a debug port for the Tsunami. I don’t have one of these so I would wait for a response from Jamie to confirm or deny this. Also, despite the 2x5 is seems only 5 connections are brought out to the header holes. Jamie is pretty good about responding here to questions about his products. I’m sure he’ll respond. I have a WAV Trigger (not Tsunami) and have been very happy with it and his support.

EDIT (update):

There are also holes on the edge of the board near the reset button and the “user reset” button (and what is that for?) that are not marked.

Looking at the board layout and schematic, these appear to be pads for a connector to bring out the resets. For example, if one would like to have access to the resets off the board.

Again, Jamie (Robertsonics) is the authority on this.

Also, despite the 2x5 is seems only 5 connections are brought out to the header holes.

Correction: miscounted and it seems the board layout does not show the power and grounds.

Of these, one is simply labeled “Playing”

This goes active (high) when at least one track is playing. It’s a digital output that mirrors the play status of the LED.

If you’re using an Arduino, the Tsunami library implements a more useful feature that can tell you when a particular track is finished, even if other tracks are still playing.

There are also holes on the edge of the board near the reset button and the “user reset” button (and what is that for?) that are not marked

They are marked “RESET” and “USER”. They are simply pads for alternate, right angle buttons you can install in parallel with the two labelled buttons already on the board. This allows you to mount Tsunami in a box or behind a panel with one edge exposed and still have access to both buttons along with the SD card (and the LED). SparkFun sells these right angle buttons.

The user button is currently only used to access the bootloader when updating the firmware. (This process is described in the User Manual).

Finally there are holes for a tiny 2x5 connector of some type, no labels, no doc, nada…

For programming and debug during production. Not labeled because it’s not intended to be used, since the firmware can be updated directly from the SD card.

Pads labeled GND are digital ground. Pads labeled AGND are analog ground. Pads labeled 3.3V are the digital supply. Pads labeled 3.3V_A are the analog supply.

I assume the 2x2 VIN/GND connection on the edge of the board is to allow current propagation?

That connection is for powering Tsunami when not using the front edge USB connector. Not exactly sure why the SparkFun layout doubled up on the pins - maybe they can chime in.

I’ve got the Tsunami up and running. I loaded samples and struggled a bit…well, more than a bit to get them to play using MIDI.

They play fine by triggering them from the contacts.

Then I got a set to play, but they were playing midi file starting on sample 27.wav from my set, instead of sample 1. wav.

And now it won’t play from MIDI for again. I loaded the piano samples from the support page and they play when I trigger then on the contacts on the board.

I think my problem is my midi files and not the Tsunami in any way.

If this will permit attachments, I’d really like to have a midi file that works to play, say the piano wav files, and I could work off that. Anyone willing to post one?


Zimbelstern :smiley:

I’m guessing that your issue is with matching the filenames to the MIDI note numbers in your MIDI file.

What are you using to play the MIDI file? Did you create the MIDI file or is it one that already existed? You need to know what MIDI note numbers are being played and then number your wav tracks accordingly. See the online user guide for the MIDI Note Number to Track Number formula. And here’s a handy conversion chart created by a WAV Trigger user:

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … lson-2.pdf

Thank you for the chart, that helped.

Based on it I was able to get it playing from a MIDI file that I created - however, I am still struggling.

It would be a tremendous help if there were three MIDI files: one that that played the Piano Demo, playing the Mellotron Demo, and, best of all a third playing both.

Hi there I have my tsunami up and running. My goal was to be able to play, with midi, multiple wave shapes at one time and output them to different outputs. For example,

60_s1 Sine

60_s2 saw

60_s3 tri

Is this possible? So far it doesn’t seem possible to play multiple samples that share the same midi note.

Does Tsunami play MP3 files?
No. Tsunami’s 32-bit ARM Cortex-m7 processor certainly has the horsepower to perform real-time MP3 decompression of perhaps several MP3 streams, but it’s a legal issue – MP3 decoding requires a license – and there’s really no need.

Uhh, didn’t the MP3 patents expire a year or two ago?

https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/1 … y_noticed/

Also, any chance we will see a MP3 Tsunami? Would be nice if it had a 3.5mm connector available as an option already on the board as well.