TX to TX, RX to RX??

I finally got my Arduino Pro Mini programmed using a Duemilanove with the processor removed.

From a couple of references I found, which I had thought must be incorrect, I connected the TX of the Duemilanove to the TX of the mini, and the RX to the RX…

This ended up working! I have never heard to connecting transmit to transmit and receive to receive on any devices that I have used in the past.

This seems strange. Can anyone explain the logic of this to me? Thanks…

makes sense, power to the unit … in order for it to communicate (as its only Point to Point) you have to alter the rx/tx tx/rx … this is how point to point fiber communication works… or rather how fiber works period.

Ok, I got it… I looked at the schematic for the FTDI FT232R IC. I found that the pin labeled RX on the Duemilanove is connected to the TX pin of the FT232R, and TX on the Duemilanove is connected to the RX on the FT232R. This makes sense because what the FTDI receives it transmits to the AVR/Arduino processor.

So, in fact, when using the Duemilanove (without processor) to program a Mini, the TX really IS connected to RX (of the FTDI ic) and RX IS connected to TX…

I wasn’t fully taking into account the implication of removing the processor on the Duemilanove…

Rx/Tx connections can be very confusing and it depends on the point of view (which device you reference as RX or Tx) and how someone labels the connector pins. Looking at the schematic and the data sheets for the part on the board is the only way to be sure the connections are correct.


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If you’re inside, it’s the door out.

And if you’re outside, well,