Hi All
Ummm…was woundering if someone out there can give me a bit of advice.
I’m trying to run 2: RF-UM12 wirless links into 2 8535 processors.
I can get the 2 to talk no problems when i use direct wire links TX-RX setup.
but when i hook in the modems i get nothing.
The pinouts i have set are
modem micro
5vcc 5vcc
gnd gnd
com1 tx rx
com1 rx tx
sleep gnd
reset gnd
I have hooked in jumper A and jumper E
On the data sheet there are 2 Com’s ports
I’m using Com’s 1 TX-RX TTL level
should i be using Com’s 2 TX-RX with jumper D hooked in ?
Any thoughts would be welcome