UART ports connected to the RS232 serial ports (GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning Breakout)

Hi, I recently bought a GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning Breakout - ZED-F9R (Qwiic) (GPS-16344) board. I would like to use the two UART ports connected to the RS232 serial ports of a Windows PC. Should I put an RS232 to TTL card between the GPS card and the PC or can I connect TX, RX and GND directly to pins 2,3 and 5 of the BD-9 pin?

Could a module based on the MAX3232 be compatible?

Also, the jumper labelled SPI seems to be open.

The UART is therefore enabled by default?

Can anyone help me?



You definitely need the MAX3232 to convert TTL to RS232. Don’t connect the GPS directly to a serial port, it will likely damage it. Serial should be enabled by default on your device, a jumper on the board changes the serial pins to SPI. Check sparkuns hookup guide for more information. :smiley:

Thank you very much Yellow Dog, for your response.

I tested the small card using the Ntrip correction and was impressed with the accuracy. In less than optimal coverage conditions I achieved 1.7 cm of accuracy using U-Center. However, now I need to transfer the cordinates to the software that handles the navigation and U-Center won’t let me share the USB and RTKlib won’t recognize the USB.
