Beware jargon: You use “ZigBee” and “Xbee” in the same sentence. ZigBee is a network layer - as is TCP/IP. XBee is the name of products that can be ZigBee or not. 802.15.4 is the IEEE MAC and PHY standard used by many products. Synapse does not claim compliance with 802.15.4.
Circuit Cellar magazine has had some recent articles on these. The author isn’t very wireless experienced though.
Synapse is proprietary, sole source. OK for one-of hobby thing but it may not be there next year.
I’ve not used it. But looking at data sheets
Range is affected, mainly, by:
1 Modulation mode and occupied bandwidth. 802.15.4 in 2.4GHz 2MHz channel width,. direct sequence spread spectrum, offset QPSK modulation, 250Kbps raw burst rate = about 80Kbps net without errors. In 868/900MHz, 802.15.4 is quite different; lower speeds, narrower channel. Higher power consumption. FCC regulations in 900MHz require freq. Hopping if the duty cycle is other than tiny.
2 Antenna choices on each end of the link
3 Extent of non-line of sight conditions and details of such
XBee series 1 can be non-mesh or DigiMesh; Series 2 are ZigBee only.
RF100: same specs as most 802.15.4 modules such as XBee Pro Series 1 (Pro has higher power, better receiver).
RF200: Adds other faster bit rates. This will come at the expense of range. Nothing’s free!
RF300: is 868/900MHz. Specs similar to 802.5.14 modules in that band, e.g., the rather pricey sub-GHz XBee.
SM200: about the same as 802.15.4 modules without power amp, i.e., SM200 is RF200 less amplifier and receiver LNA
SM300: same scenario with RF300
SM700: surface mount. Appears to have transmit amplifier but no receive amplifier (LNA)
A good antenna will offset lack of highest transmitter power.
Sub-GHz has about 6dB advantage over 2.4GHz. A 6-12dBi gain antenna at 2.4 GHz more than offsets. Sub-GHz does have slightly less loss in passing through walls, etc. But foliage is about as bad as at 2.4GHz.
So besides these specs, and surface mount vs. through-hole, and not per IEEE, look too at the feature set of the modules’ standard firmware: I/O passing, transparent serial, high speed binary API option, etc. As a hobbyist, consider too the amount of freeware and examples.