unidirectional infrared (IR) communications link


Following code will make the Led blink every second (appx.) at 16MHz crystal. If you have bought new controller then It will be set at internal 1MHz osc. (by default). So,if you don’t change the fuse values to enable external crystal, the LED will blink 16 times slower!!

For programming microcontroller, check my post: “DIY AVR Programmer” at www.dharmanitech.com 


//************ BLINKING LED ***********************


// Target : ATmega32

// Crystal: 16.000Mhz

// Compiler: ICCAVR

// Author: CC Dharmani, Chennai, India


#include <iom32v.h>

#include <macros.h>


void port_init(void)


PORTD = 0x00;

DDRD = 0x10;



void delay_ms(int miliSec) //1 ms delay (appx)for 16MHz crystal


int i,j;









//call this routine to initialize all peripherals

void init_devices(void)


//stop errant interrupts until set up

CLI(); //disable all interrupts


MCUCR = 0x00;

GICR = 0x00;

TIMSK = 0x00; //timer interrupt sources

//SEI(); //re-enable interrupts

//all peripherals are now initialized


//--------------- MAIN FUNCTION -------------

void main()





PORTD |= 0x10; 


PORTD &= ~0x10;




//********************* END ***********************


Here is the same code written for AVR-GCC (winAVR) compiler:

//******* LED BLINKING PROGRAM *********
//Controller: ATmega32 (1Mhz or 16Mhz)
//Compiler: AVR-GCC (winAVR)
//Author: CC Dharmani, Chennai (INDIA)

//#define F_CPU 1000000UL    //use this if internal oscillator is used
#define F_CPU 16000000UL  //use this when ext 16MHz crystal is used

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

void port_init(void)
 PORTD = 0x00;
 DDRD  = 0x10;

//call this routine to initialize all peripherals
void init_devices(void)
 //stop errant interrupts until set up
 cli(); //disable all interrupts

 MCUCR = 0x00;
 GICR  = 0x00;
 TIMSK = 0x00; //timer interrupt sources
// sei(); //re-enable interrupts
 //all peripherals are now initialized

int main()
    PORTD = 0x10;
    PORTD = 0;

//---------- END -------------

Will this code work do get a IR receiver to accept. We are in a Robotics class and we need to try and get the IR from the microcontroller to interact with a IR emitter on a platform. We need to send a signal to the platform to get it to release a switch that will drop items that we need. We are practicing for a Robotics competition for high school.

Try the AVR forum!

Did not think that I could cross-post. Plus this is a MSP430 microcontroller.

The code clearly shows that it is an AVR controller and that it is written using the ICCAVR compiler. You will have an extremely hard time trying to compile and run this on an MSP40.

Ok, I understand now. Where can I get code written in C for the MSP?

The first place to look is TI’s [application notes.

There are two application notes that may apply, one for [transmitting and one for [receiving. Note the receiver is in assembly.

And. as always, Google is your friend.](http://focus.ti.com/general/docs/litabsmultiplefilelist.tsp?literatureNumber=slaa134)](http://focus.ti.com/general/docs/litabsmultiplefilelist.tsp?literatureNumber=slla175)](Microcontrollers (MCUs) & processors | TI.com)