If I hook up a QwiicBus EndPoint to an UNO R4 Minima with a Flexible Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper using 5V instead of 3.3V, will it all work?
My understanding is SDA & SCL on the R4 Minima is 5V logic.
So if we have 5V on the Qwiic connector of the QwiicBus, will it all work the same as a 3.3V setup just at the higher voltage?
And if the PCA9615 can take advantage of the 5V supply from the Qwiic connector all the better.
My sensor on the other EndPoint is 5V tolerant and we will not be using an R4 WiFi even though it has a convenient 3.3V Qwiic connector already onboard.
Would just like to know if a 5V setup will work with the R4 Minima.