Urgent Help with old SparkFun Product magstripe reader

Dear People of this Forum,

I recently tried again to use my Magcard 363b-2 magstripe writer and reader, but i cant get it to work.

It has a PS2 and a RS232 adapter for which I both have adapters to USB which DEF work, if I plug it in the LEDs light up, if I swipe a written card the LED blinks, if I swipe a card to slow it gives me the red LED, so it does work, but I can’t get it to work.

I tried some software and like 2 different drivers.

Can please someone tell me the exact drivers, OS, software or whatever I need to get this to work, I really want to use it again

Product Link:


RS232 Adapter Link: (I think its this, at least from the picture)

https://www.partsdata.de/USB-Seriell-Ad … 80cm/33396

Thanks to EVERYONE that can help me, I would really appreciate it :slight_smile:

The documents tab & the comments section on the product page https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/8634 probably has the best info to get started