USB Cellular Modem to UART and Ethernet adapter coming soon!

So for a few months me and another engineer have been working on a USB Cellular Modem to UART adapter. The prototype works! You will be able to just plug in your modem, do a simple setup over CLI or terminal, and connect your MCU or raspberry PI to the internet. Just imagine connecting the CSI cam with a UDP server and connecting this adapter to have internet on your Raspberry Pi.

We are developing a prototype to use this adapter with a servo controller as well as a demonstration on the applications of an adapter like this. There will be a kickstarter setup for this soon, so you will be able to buy one and develop with it :smiley: I can’t wait to see the prototypes people come up with while using this with the RPI or Arduino.

Here is a quick site I put up with more information coming soon.

Oh yeah one more thing… It’s cheap!