I have seen on your site web the description of the Color 24-Bit LCD 4.3" PSP Touch Screen and I would like to know if you also sell suitable usb controller for this screen (such as the one described here http://shop-on-line.tvielectronics.com/ … ucts_id=69
Use the FT232Rl for USB->serial, the atmega to do the serial->spi bit, and the TSC2046 for the touchscreen. You could optionally omit the TSC2046, and use onboard drive/ADC lines on the atmega, but the TSC ADC has a few more bits than the Atmega ADC.
This won’t be a very easy build unless you’re familiar with microcontrollers / smd electronics.
I have another question. That might be no sense but, I would like to know if it is possible to interface the touch screen with the analog stick of a psp. (it looks like a 4-wire as you can see here :
I have another question. That might be no sense but, I would like to know if it is possible to interface the touch screen with the analog stick of a psp. (it looks like a 4-wire as you can see here :
So is the idea to make people touch the touchscreen if you press a button on the gamepad? Or is it to make people press the gamepad buttons if you touch the touchscreen? You might be better off taping a piece of fried chicken to the touchscreen.
I think hes asking if you can use the touchscreen in replacement of the analog stick… Like the center of the screen is the analog stick is centered… and when you move your finger to the left its like moving the analog stick to the left? I might not of understood it though… But yes, its possible with a lil micro to read the touchscreen and then output to the analog stick’s pins.
This touch screen is not intended to be hacked into an off-the-shelf Play Station Portable. It is solely meant to be a nice add-on to our 24-Bit color display.
i have an app in the browser called ipsp, can i use the touch screen for that? and can i just install the touch screen and thats it? do i need software?