USB OTG Chip required - needs CDC plus USB Memory i/f


I’m looking for a chip that can handle both a USB CDC connection and also allow a USB memory stick to be inserted for data logging applications.

The CDC i/f would be used to configure the device, retrieve battery status, set logging parameters etc. The memory would then be inserted to the same port and be used to log data.

There are a couple of chips at Sparkfun that provide a USB memory i/f that use a SD card. As a stretch I might be able to use these, however space is limited and I’d have to use a MicroSD card…are these compatible?

I’m also aware that the new Microchip PIC32 range of microcontrollers have an OTG stack…but would prefer to stick with a lower spec 18F4550.

Any suggestions would be very helpful.


hmm the cheapest cost would be the pic 32 with USB OTG (and its fastest solution for pic lineup.

if you want pic 18 then pic18f4550 with a viniculum from FTDI would do the trick… the viniculum can handle the memory stick.

however you may have trouble with the pic18 assembling things in memory, it may be a 512 bit buffer to write to the viniculum and u know those things get eated up quickly ont he pic 18F.

id go with the pic 32. its cheaper.