USB Power Meter (Color TFT LCD), TOL-15571


I just received the USB power meter today, which incidentally kicked off 45 minutes worth of refreshing my knowledge on USB specs. The world is moving way too fast :wink:

Anyway, is there a manual on this device? All the menu items are in Chinese, and I don’t know how to read Chinese. I have seen references in the comments section indicating that it is possible to change the menu headings to English but I did not see instructions as to how to do so.

Thank you,


Hi, thanks for posting.

Hmmm, looking at the product page it seems like there is not a lot of data to go off of. Chances are we never received this information when we started to stock this product.

I will see what I can do, no guarantees, unfortunately. We are generally diligent with providing datasheets and manuals for any product that we carry, though, there are exceptions.

Does this work?

Yes, it does. Thank you

Awesome, thanks for chiming in, brow!

Glad to hear that the unit is usable at this time.

Cheers for now.