Using 2D Barcode Scanner with Nano 33 IoT and MKR boards

I have both the SPX-16441 (now retired) and SEN-18088 (current model at time of writing) versions of the 2D Barcode Scanner Breakout module.

Software Serial is used in the example sketches included with the SparkFun DE2120 2D Barcode Reader code library.

I would like to get one of these to work with the Arduino Nano 33 IoT. However, the Nano 33 IoT (and the MKR boards) do not support the use of Software Serial. Serial ports configured using SERCOM don’t connect to the module either.

Has anyone managed to get one of the above scanner modules to work with either the Arduino Nano 33 IoT or any of the Arduino MKR boards? If so, what did you do to get it to work?

Is it possible for the library and example sketches to be updated to include support for the Arduino Nano 33 IoT and MKR boards? (I would expect these boards to be a sizable chunk of the 3.3V market?)

Thanks in advance for all help given!



That board doesn’t have SoftwareSerial available because it has 6x hardware serial available; you would just modify the code to use one these that you create/assign

This thread … ano-33-iot , about half-down and again at the bottom has some good info on how to implement something similar to what you’re after.

Best of luck!