Using flash storage on Pro Micro RP2040?

Hi, is it possible to use the 16MB of flash storage on the Pro Micro RP2040 for my own file storage? If so, are there any examples showing how to do this? What I’d like to do is log some data to this storage, have it persist even if the board loses power, and of course then be able to retrieve that data upon hooking it up via USB to a host computer.

Is that possible with this board?



This might help?

Thanks, but that looks a little more low level than I’d like to go. I was hoping something more like this example. … tfiles.ino

Is the Pro Micro’s flash accessible over the SPI bus like that?

You might be able to use Adafruit’s QSPI flash library. Take a look at what they did in the Arcada library for their nRF52840 series, which formats the QSPI flash to look like an SD card with FAT32.

It would be great if Sparkfun had something similar for the RP2040.

Rather than try to reinvent the wheel trying to get the built in flash to work the way you want it to, I’d suggest just adding a I2C or SPI EEPROM and using that. There’s plenty of libraries and example code around to drive them. If you need more storage space than those provide, use a SD card for external storage.

Returning to this board once again. Looking at the [specs page it says 16 MB External Flash Memory. Is that only for program and runtime data?

Just wish I could drop a few KB of files into that space and have them persisted until time to pull them off the board and evaluate them on a computer.](

The answer to your question is in my first post. If that’s too “low level” an EEPROM or SD card is your best bet.

[This EEPROM has 64 kilobytes of space that will persist through power outages and fits your requirements.](

Oh, you did mention an I2C EEPROM and I somehow overlooked that and was assuming an EEPROM was memory I had to solder onto the board. heh, thanks for pointing me to the Qwiic breakout.