RP2040 Pro Micro, possible to jump to mass-storage for flashing via code?

On the old pro micro avr8bit platform it was possible to jump to bootloader via code for firmware flashing without pressing the reset button.

uint16_t *const bootKeyPtr = (uint16_t *)0x0800;
    // Value used by Caterina bootloader use to determine whether to run the
    // sketch or the bootloader programmer.
    uint16_t bootKey = 0x7777;
    *bootKeyPtr = bootKey;
    // setup watchdog timeout
    while(1) {} // wait for watchdog timer to trigger

Basically I want to know if the same is somehow possible with the pro micro rp2040,

or if I absolutely must press the reset button in hardware to go to mass storage mode for flashing/updating the program.

RP2040 is an entirely different platform, but as long as you have a bootloader that support it, I don’t see why what you’re wanting to do wouldn’t work.

You might try asking in [Raspberry Pi’s forums. If it’s possible, they would know how to do it since they designed the RP2040.](https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/)