How to uplaod file to pro micro

i have pro micro broad which is surppot 16Mbit space in winbond core. i want upload txt or wav files to this board, how can i do it ?

next i want using micropython or ardunio ide to read this files and do something with it.

i had used ESP8266 in PlatforIO, it has a upload button.

i am new in rp2040, so if anyone have doc about pro micro, please tell me.


That board uses UF2 bootloader, see … bootloader

Installing MicroPython:

Download the MicroPython UF2 firmware for the RP2040 Pro Micro from the MicroPython website.

Put the board in bootloader mode:

a. Press and hold the boot button.

b. Press the reset button momentarily.

c. Release the boot button.

The board should appear as a removable drive called RPI-RP2.

Drag and drop the UF2 file into this removable drive.

The board will automatically reboot with MicroPython installed.

Uploading files:

Use Thonny IDE to upload files to the board.

In Thonny, go to Run > Select Interpreter and choose “MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)”.

To save a file to the board, go to File > Save As… and select “Raspberry Pi Pico” as the location.

Reading files:

You can use MicroPython to read and work with files. Here’s an example:

#Reading a text file
with open("your_file.txt", "r") as file:
    content =
# Reading a WAV file
with open("your_file.wav", "rb") as file:
    wav_data =
    # Process wav_data as needed

Running code on startup:

Save your main script as “” on the board using Thonny.

This script will run automatically every time the board is powered up.

The hookup guide doesn’t mention Arduino IDE usage, but it does cover MicroPython extensively. If you prefer using Arduino IDE, you’ll need to install the Arduino core for RP2040, which isn’t covered in this specific document.

For more detailed documentation and examples I suggest referring to the Raspberry Pi Pico documentation as most of it applies to the RP2040 Pro Micro as well.