Using GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout ZED-F9P with Jetson Xavier NX over UART

I’m looking for a GPS module to communicate with a Jetson Xavier NX GPU on a Connectech Quark Carrier Board. The Carrier Board has 2 GbE and a single USB-OTG but all of them are in use, so my options are UART, SPI or I2C. Has anyone successfully integrated the ZED-F9P with a Jetson Xavier NX over UART, SPI or I2C?

I’ve used an F9P with a Jetson Nano (which is still ubuntu, etc) and it worked fine…I think I used i2c (qwiic) and just needed to do a “pip install ublox” to get the package goin

With that ZED-F9P breakout, you can communicate with any of those protocols (SPI, I2C, UART). We do have a python package (I2C) that is compatible with some of our uBlox modules, like the ZED-F9P:

Unfotunately, we do not carry the Xavier… so we cannot advise to that product.