I am currently working on a project using two Mosaic-X5 breakout boards. For the purpose of the project I was hoping to send commands to the boards using the command line Interface (CLI), and ignoring the GUI provided with the board. I currently have a serial radio connected to the COM1 port on each of the boards, I have each board setup properly where one is outputting RTCMv3 and the other board outputting NMEA GGA messages over the COM1 port. I know each type of message is being broadcasted over the serial link, but I cant seem to get a RTK (Fix) connection unless I use Data Link to connect the two sources…I might have an issue with my setup, but I was wondering if this was even possible to do without the assist of the board’s RxLauncher?
The CLI commands are in the Firmware Reference Guide https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sh … _Guide.pdf, ensure they match what you’re attempting . I also recommend using the software/web interface to troubleshoot/verify their CLI commands, until the issues are resolved (then transferring the same commands via CLI)