Variable voltage output

Heres the thing i have got a 5 volts input and what i am supposed to do is to make something in between to make my output voltage to vary from 0 to 3.3volts . I know it can be simply done through a potential dividr bt i am not allowed to use it .

Suggest me some good sensor with the help of whih i could aquire my desired output ???


Why are you not “allowed” to use a voltage divider? What specifically is the problem with doing that?

Better questions get better answers.

Better questions get better answers.

Are you hinting my solution below might not be the optimal one ?

The OP could use the 5v to run a DC motor (current unspecified). The output shaft would be connected to a generator, whose AC output goes into a step-down transformer. It’s output is then rectified and LPF’ed to get a DC voltage. If the output is to be continuously variable then a Variac could be utilized in lieu of a fixed turns ratio step-down transformer.

Simple and effective !

  • R. Goldberg

Heres the thing i have got a 5 volts input and what i am supposed to do is to make something in between to make my output voltage to vary from 0 to 3.3volts . I know it can be simply done through a potential dividr bt i am not allowed to use it .

Suggest me some good sensor with the help of whih i could aquire my desired output ???

A clearer description would help. I can read you question one of several ways. Please describe application, imposed restrictions, schematics, etc

Buffer a voltage divider comprised of large resistors, or a pot with an opamp in a non-inverting mode with unity gain. I assume you can you a voltage divider because you would not be able to draw any current from it without changing the voltage.

Heres the thing i have got a 5 volts input and what i am supposed to do is to make something in between to make my output voltage to vary from 0 to 3.3volts . I know it can be simply done through a potential dividr bt i am not allowed to use it .

Suggest me some good sensor with the help of whih i could aquire my desired output ???

Is the 5 volt input digital or analog in nature?

Does the 0-3.3 volt range need to be linearly mapped to 0-5 volt?

What does the output need to drive? What is behind it? How much current does it need to output. Ie., is the ‘actuator’ a motor or other large current device, or a low current device like a digital multimeter, or something in between like a LED? (And how much can the input-source deliver?)

As has already been made clear, Johnny 5 says “Need more input!!”

Well it is going to be a source for an ADC . My 5 volts input will be an analogue source.

So far i m thinking to use LM317 but i will take other advises as well

What kind of source? The reference? If so, then you do want a stable, low impedance supply and an adjustable reference is probably a good choice.

If it’s just the input, there is no reason I can think of why you shouldn’t use a divider. In fact, using a divider allows you to make it ratiometric with the reference so one end is automatically full scale and the other end is zero.