How to correctly lower voltage output of a sensor for a Microcontroller


I have a project I’m working on and need some help

I am using a microcontroller with 3.3v logic and I need to connect 3 sensor to supply analog inputs to it.

Hello all,

My sensor uses 5v and the Microcontroller is 3.3v. Is there a small device that I can get to lower the voltage being fed from the sensors to the analog input channels of the MC? e.g. Take 5v data and convert it 3.3v and output it to a line for my controller?

The controller is linked here:

and the sensors are : 1) a rotary potentiometer, 2) a small flex sensor and 3) A 1.5" square pressure sensor.

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Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500

<>Lipoly battery

Use a resistive voltage divider. … oldiv.html

Analog inputs will not draw significant current from the divider, so use the “no load” formula.

The divider should have impedance less than about 10K Ohms. If it must be higher than that (for example, to measure battery voltage with low current consumption), add a 1 to 10 nF capacitor from the analog input to ground.