Venus 6 + $VTG

Hello everyone!

I am using the “Venus GPS with SMA Connector” and getting stuck on update rates…

What I wanted is to get the $VTG message at 10Hz, and also the $GSA but no need for fast update there.

I first sent a 0x08 command to only get the needed messages … this is OK

I changed the baudrate to 38400bps withe the 0x05 command… this is OK

Then I sent a 0x0E command with 10Hz (0x0A) configuration … this is NOT OK

The only thing I get is the NAV LED blinking faster, XORed 10times a second… so I guess the command has been set correctly but obviously, this doesn’t match my needs because I still get my GSA+VTG messages at 1Hz rate…

After scratching my head few minutes, I realized that the 0x08 command allows to set intervals from 1 to 255 seconds… but not lower… So my head is itching much more right now :slight_smile:

What do I actually get at 10Hz with the 0x0E command?

How do you get speed information at a 10Hz rate?

Help would be appreciated

PS : there’s a mistake in skytraq’s NMEA messages description : $VTG, 3rd field, Speed in KM/h has this format 000.0 and not this 0000.0

if you can hook it up to a PC , then use skytraqs gpsinfo software to set the device in different configurations etc. I did get it to update it to 10 hz a few months ago, but it was at 115200 baud and i dont rememebr what message was being sent, but it was only one message of the 3 I had selected.

Thanks teekay_tk, but in the mean time, I mailed Sparkfun. Here is their answer (for posterity) :

“Currently only GGA and RMC is update rate related. The RMC message has more information than what VTG provides.”

Many thanks to them :smiley: