Very small headers?

So, we’ve already confirmed that I’m the idiot of the board, so I’m going to add to that repertoire. I wish I could attach the PCB file, but I can’t. Suffice it to say that, by a major oversight on my part, the vias where I would solder the pin headers have a diameter of 0.020". Even worse, I already ordered 20 of these, and don’t want to order again unless I absolutely must. Does anyone know where I can get headers for this at a (very) reasonable price? Reasonable as in, I need ~ 160 pins total (most headers I’ve seen can be broken into smaller pieces, that would be helpful) but if the price is over, say, $75 before shipping, then it will likely be safer, faster, and cheaper just to order new boards (a batch of 20 costs $9X). Does anyone know how I can fix this easily? Thanks.


Perhaps Mill-Max 350-10-164-00-001000? These are headers with .025" round pins one one side, .018" on the other, both sides about .16" long. $9.46 for a strip of 64 at Mouser, a penny more at Digi-Key.