While updating the firmware on my RTK Express, I saw that warning. Should I be concerned? It seems like it resolved itself, the next line in the log is “Crystal is 40MHz”
Thanks for reporting! That is the first time I’ve seen a warning like that before. I would not be concerned - WiFi, BT, and all other systems were checked during manufacturing. But rest assured, if you run into any problems, well fix them.
Also, out of curiosity, if you upgrade the firmware again (there is no risk in this as long as you don’t do it 100,000+ times), do you see the same error? I ask because it looks like during the first step (flash size ID) the crystal warning was not there. Perhaps the ESP32 had a fluke during the 2nd crystal freq testing?
The first time I redid the firmware update, it gave the same error - the second and third times, it didn’t.