watchdog or some other solution.

I am facing a problem. I have two devices.(one device sending pkt at 200 hz and other at 50 hz) . If I trun on only one device it works fine but if i turn on both together then one(50Hz) get hanged up and stop sending data. Now I want to use watchdog timer to reset that device automatically but I do not have any good idea how can I did that…please guide me how can I use watchdog timer to get rid of this problem or any other solution.

Thx in advance.

Sorry, I do not understand the situation you described. You said you have two devices. Do you mean you are using two MSP430 chips? If so, are they interacting with each other?

I think it is better to fix a bug than to hide the bug. Using the watchdog to reset is usually used as a safety net to catch unexpected bugs. It is not good to use it to hide known bugs. It does not fix the bug.

yes I have two msp430 chips intergrated with radio module of zigbee. (CC2420)…

I agree with you and wants to fix the bug…the sample code is as follow.

please let me knw if still its not clear.thx

int main( void )


bus_init(); /* Initialize hardware */


/* Start debug library at 115.2 kbps */

/* Initialize Stack */

// Create FreeRTOS Tasks, slightly higher priority to the normal task

// Start the FreeRTOS Scheduler


return 0;


static void vtest( void *pvParameters )


portTickType xLastWakeTime;

xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();

vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS );

//create and open socket

for (;:wink:


// allocate buffer

//reading adc values and put in the buffer after that send them

