Watching the RTK Express find the correct position

I thought this was fun … I figured out how to get SW Maps to log the GPS information 4x/second, and then figured out how to extract the lat/lon from the UBX file, and then plotted that in Excel along with a circle showing a radius of 30 cm around the actual location (determined from NGS database).

You can see the RTK Express start out 5-6 feet off, get kind of confused at the 6-7 minute mark, but at about 7.5 minutes in it zeroes in and is well within the stated accuracy. Good stuff! … itions.png

By the way, this is “Happy Jack” out on Oxford Road & 119th St.


Very cool! Was this done with an RTK fix in place? Or just position fixes without RTCM or RTK?

This is just a single RTK Express with no fixes.