WAV Trigger shutting down?

I’m using a WAV Trigger with contact closures and it seems to shut down when I try to trigger a track using the trigger pins.

If I press the button on the board, it will play track 1 just fine. If I try to jumper across trigger 1, the ‘heartbeat’ blink on the LED stops and I get no response. Pressing the button no longer triggers track 1.

Cycling the power to the board brings it back up and the button works again and I get the ‘heartbeat’ blink.

I did manage to get it to play other tracks a couple of times by jumpering other trigger pins before it shut down, but even that doesn’t work now.

I’ve checked the .ini file against another one that works fine in another board and everything looks ok. The 2 different boards are set up to function the same, but with different sound files.

Any ideas?


Try a different SD card or power supply to rule those out as suspects. Also, can you share a photo of the wiring/soldering?

I swapped the SD card with a known-working card and it seems to be fine now. I’ll try re-formatting and reloading the card and see what I get.

Strange that a corrupt card or file could cause a problem like this

I formatted and reloaded a brand new SD card with the same results. Then I loaded that same card with the same files from the known-working card and the WAV Trigger worked fine.

The only difference between the two sets of files is the .ini file on the working card is set up to use 12 trigger pins, with triggers 11 and 12 as volume up/down controls, and the non-working files are set up to use 16 pins, all as audio triggers.

Could there be a corrupt .wav file causing this?

I’m stumped.

I figured it out!

Each trigger had a line in the .ini file that was set to select a random track in a specific track range. Some of those ranges were only one track wide. Whenever I fired one of those triggers, the board would stop working.

I removed all of those lines with only one track and renumbered the affected tracks so they are triggered directly and everything is fine now.