WAV Trigger stopped reading cards?

My WAV trigger has stopped working for me within a month of me having it, where my previously usable micro SD cards are no longer being read. 10 flashes on the onboard LED, despite being in FAT32 format, CD quality, 16 bit stereo. I’ve been powering it with a 6 Volt adapter as well, and I can’t find what else this ten blink error means. Help would be much appreciated!

Hi TruckChucker,

The 10 blinks from the STAT LED usually points to an SD card or formatting problem or potentially a hardware issue with the SD card holder on the WAV Trigger. I would recommend starting by reformatting the card to FAT32 using [this formatting tool from the SD Association. Sometimes the built-in formatting tool with Windows/Mac OS X does not fully erase the data and can cause issues with the WAV Trigger. After formatting, try testing with the sample WAV files from the [Hookup Guide and see if that resolves the issue.

Also, make sure your card is compatible with the WAV Trigger by checking it on [this table provided by robertsonics. Finally, if you still have problems, try closely inspecting the SD card slot for any loose/cold solder joints for the pins of that holder. If none of these suggestions fix your problem, let us know and we can troubleshoot further.](microSD Cards For Audio — Robertsonics)](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wav-trigger-hookup-guide-v11#example)](SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows/Mac | SD Association)