Hi, hope your all having a great week.
I hope that I’m in the right forum. I have a question about the numbering system used for storing the Wav’s on the SDHC card.
The instructions say to rename the file with a four digit number at the beginning so it can be found by the wav trigger.
Well I have some samples for a drum kit that has several layers to them. Each drum has Four levels of velocity and 6 levels of round robin samples. I know each drum must be numbered but how do I handle numbering the rest? Does each individual wav need a number? I’m a total noob and I’m trying to recreate a project I found on the internet called microdrum by Massimo Bernava. It really an interesting device but sometimes it’s hard to get info because of Mr. Bernava’s time constraints. Their forum is kind lean these days on participants that are using wav trigger. If any info is needed to clear up my ramblings because of my inexperience please ask.
Thank you for all your hard work and time!