Weather:Bit Kit

Hi, Im trying to download and install the experiments to micro:bit. They all work individually, but how do I switch between experiments on the micro:bit interface? How do I monitor all the the weather:bits capabilities on the micro:bit LED interface?

Hello Harry, and thanks for writing.

The micro:bit can only hold one program or experiment at a time and each experiment in the guide shows how that particular sensor works. What you’d need to do if you wanted to use all the sensors at the same time is create your own program or script that does all the pieces from all the different experiments.

You might start by combining some simple experiments like experiment 1 and 2. Once you have both running together, then try adding a third. Every time you add an additional experiment, test to make sure your script is doing what you expect and fix any bugs that you encounter.

You don’t want to try to combine too many things at once just because you won’t know where to start debugging if you run into trouble.

Hope this helps you and happy hacking!