I recently purchased weather shield & sparkfun redboard plus. Upon hooking up & running the example program from github - “Weather_Shield_Basic_V12” https://github.com/sparkfun/Weather_Shi … _Basic_V12, I am getting below readings. Is there something that I should do first before executing the program or something wrong with hardware? Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Humidity = -5.81%, temp_h = -51.85F, Pressure = -999.00Pa, temp_p = -1766.20F, light_lvl = 2.14V, VinPin = 12.08V
Humidity = -5.81%, temp_h = -51.85F, Pressure = -999.00Pa, temp_p = -1766.20F, light_lvl = 2.19V, VinPin = 11.91V
Humidity = -5.81%, temp_h = -51.85F, Pressure = -999.00Pa, temp_p = -1766.20F, light_lvl = 2.19V, VinPin = 12.08V
Humidity = -5.81%, temp_h = -51.85F, Pressure = -999.00Pa, temp_p = -1766.20F, light_lvl = 2.08V, VinPin = 12.90V
I don’t have that device, but I took a quick look at this. Looking at the [library the makeMeasurement() function will return 100 if the correct number of bytes is not returned. After passing through the formula to compute RH in getRH(), that will end up with a value of -5.81 that you are seeing.
The sample program seem to assume a humidity value of 998 indicates a bad value. So either the sample code is wrong or the library code is wrong. My bet is with the library.
For now assume a humidity value of -5.81% means there was an error. Check wiring and soldering.](SparkFun_Si7021_Arduino_Library/src/SparkFun_Si7021_Breakout_Library.cpp at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_Si7021_Arduino_Library · GitHub)
Thank you for response. I just connected the Weather Shield to RedBoard Plus using stackable header connectors. There are no wires. So if its hardware issue then would one of them be defective.
Did you solder the stackable headers to the shield?
It looks like the headers do not come pre-assembled on that weather shield. Did you solder the headers on the shield (they won’t make good electrical contact without being soldered)? Can you include a good photo of the solder connections?
If that doesn’t help you may want to contact SparkFun customer support (support@sparkfun.com).
I haven’t soldered them. I didn’t want to go that route until I know hardware is good. I will try soldering and test it again.