Trying to find a way to get help or answers on the shield and the GPS I bought a few days ago.
Sent emails to support over the last week and no answers.
It has many issues. I bought the GPS and the Shield at the same time a few days ago and using with MEGA 2560. Same results with the cut/paste code examples on several of these to confirm its not the Arduino or IDE.
Let me know what this could be or how to fix it or return it. You don’t have phones or local building anymore.
The Barometer works.
The WindDir sensor works
The GPS that came with it doesn’t work at all. That was the 1st support email, but not received answer. So moved around that for now with it removed and switched to the Basic code example to just baseline test the rest of the shield.
The Temperature sensor on the Barometer as the Weather shield basic INO code says to use does not work.
This sensor always returns -1766.20 for values. Changed to the Humidity sensor to work around that.
The WindSpeed does not, its value and the other calculated stat values used from it just keep incrementing when no 89.4 MPH wind is going on in my house to code/test. LOL. Seems to start at 89.4 and keep going up and down even after hard reset or reprogramming it.
The Rain sensor starts at 1.32 in and does the same incrementing thing as the WindSpeed
Example output of the basic sketch disabling output of only what does not work:
Weather Shield online!
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