I have stored my network’s SSID, auth, and passphrase and then set sys wlan autojoin 1 so that the WiFly module will connect to my network when it turns on. I think it does work (join my network upon powering up) because when I run the SpiUartTerminal sketch and go into CMD mode, I can immediately run ```
get ip
When I run the sketch for controlling an RGB LED using the webserver (under 'Setting up a simple web server' here [https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wi ... ple-server](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wifly-shield-hookup-guide#setting-up-a-simple-server)), the serial monitor returns an IP address. But when I enter the address into my browser I cannot connect to the webpage. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
The IP I’m inputting is I’ve tried accessing the web page on Chrome and Firefox. The connection timed out on both browsers and there was no error returned to the console.
All I can say is to start from square one. Take everything apart and reassemble. Disconnect everything from the Arduino and even upload the code again. But when you upload the code make sure Nothing is connected. Most of the time this works as you could have over looked the silliest thing.
If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact Sparkfun’s tech support. If you ever find the cause, post it so we all can learn from it.
I would type in the IP address in various ways, i.e., putting a http:// in front and even add the port number. I am not experienced in the WiFi shield so my suggestion is probably dumb.