What do I have to do to get a response from Spark Fun?

The company I work for is interested in purchasing many qwicc enabled products from Sparkfun but we cannot seem to get a response through email from them. Going on three weeks now with no actual response. Do any employees hang out in these forums? :?

Hey, Wh33t. Sorry about the delay in response there.

If you want to state your inquiries here you may do so and I can provide answers to the best of my abilities.

Or, you could Email Support@SparkFun.com and we can get a response to you soon.

I hope this helps.

I have emailed support@sparkfun.com already. I will PM you my work email address.

Thank you for responding.

Hey, Wh33t. Sorry about the delay in response there.

If you want to state your inquiries here you may do so and I can provide answers to the best of my abilities.

Or, you could Email Support@SparkFun.com and we can get a response to you soon.

I hope this helps.

I still have not received a response yet. I’m starting to think there is something wrong with my email account’s ability to receive sparkfun emails, although I did manage to sign up to this forum correctly.

Can you comment on situation John?