What is the right TTL to USB adapter to use with Qwiic type sensor.

Recently, I ordered TTL to USB adapter that works good with regular TFMini Lidar. However, when I connect TFMini with QWIIC system of communication is not found.

Please, help me to find a right TTL to USB adapter for TFMini lidar with Qwiic.

My final goal is to change TFmini qwiic address that initially is the same for all of them

Could you elaborate on your project because I am not really sure I understand what you are trying to do?

  • - I am a little confused about your setup. Is there a reason for not using the [[TFMini - Micro LiDAR Module](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14588), which already outputs serial data?
  • - I am also confused about why you would want to run multiple devices with the same I2C address; that would just create an address conflict (also called "address collision") where nothing would work.
  • ](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14588)

    Otherwise, to answer your first question… you will ultimately have to use a microcontroller as described in the [hookup guide for that product. (Be sure to read the huge red block!)

    Also, here are additional resources on I2C that you may want to review:



    https://hackaday.com/2016/07/19/what-co … c-edition/
