Ok so I have the gerber file, the BOM file, the work file…
What now?
I’d hire a company to make the pcb ofcourse but what about the components?
Would you guys recommend a n00b solder on their own?
Ok so I have the gerber file, the BOM file, the work file…
What now?
I’d hire a company to make the pcb ofcourse but what about the components?
Would you guys recommend a n00b solder on their own?
How much PCB assembly experience do you have? SMD or through-hole? How complex?
I have 0 PCB assembly experience and itd be SMD I think.leon_heller:
How much PCB assembly experience do you have? SMD or through-hole? How complex?
Everyone has to learn sometime…
You should probably start with something much simpler.
What program did you use to create the PCB? You can zip up the files and people here can check it. It gets real expensive when you have to keep making changes…
Upload your schematic and PCB files and you will get some peer reviews with helpful information, advice & tips.
Then when you have made changes upload them again in case something you have done has caused another issue.
For getting the PCB, there are low cost PCB suppliers - I hear http://www.seeedstudio.com/service/index.php?r=pcb is low cost and plan on using them once I pull my finger out and layout my own home board.
If your totally new and have little\no equipment then you may wish to research SMT assembly at home, Mr Google is very helpful for that.
Thanks guys but I don’t want to screw it up.
I’ve just contacted advanced assembly and I’m waiting for a quote.
I’m way in over my head…
Thanks guys but I don’t want to screw it up.I’ve just contacted advanced assembly and I’m waiting for a quote.
I’m way in over my head…
If you’re only doing a few boards, a PCB assembly house is quite expensive. Have you thought about using through-hole parts and soldering it yourself?
It sounds like you are new to PCB design. Like others have said, submit your schematic and board to the group, so we can look it over. It’s a LOT cheaper to have the design critiqued and re-done several times on the computer, than to have a board house build the PCB over and over again until it’s right.
Well I was hoping that I could keep my design a secret, but I got a quote for assembly and the cheapest I could find was around $800.
So I guess I’ll have to do it myself.
I did hire a company to make 10 pcb without the assembly though.
Already made?
Then we may be too late with the PCB.
For A - please research acid traps - you have several.
For B - if you mitred the tracks a bit more you could get that copper to join up
A suggestion to reduce a long track. (done using the Win7 snipping tool - lol)
Move the top 2 grey ones and you can reroute the one with the crosses on & via a lot closer.
It looks like this is floating copper - this is bad as its an EMC susceptibility issue, connect it to GND.
(yes I know the red dots(holes) are in the wrong place - I did not bother checking the reading format).
If you want to keep the design secret then remove your attachment.
The boards you have ordered, will they be in a panel or single cut?
If you want to make these yourself you’ll need a paste screen (these can be got cheaply too) and a toaster oven to melt the solder paste.
Try getting a few more quotes on the assembly, for 10 I’d think more along the lines of £100 in the UK for just assembly.
Oh boy yeah it might to late to fix the issues with the board.
But you don’t think its anything serious right?
I didn’t check to see if they were a panel or single cut, but I hope they’re single cut.
As for the assembly I can just do it myself with a soldering iron right?
Since you are making these boards with ITead, contact them before they send the files off. You can edit the board and resubmit them. I have done that before…
What size components did you use? Most experienced soldering people can do 0805 with no problems, but gets difficult on smaller.
Oh they're quiet small...codlink:
Since you are making these boards with ITead, contact them before they send the files off. You can edit the board and resubmit them. I have done that before…What size components did you use? Most experienced soldering people can do 0805 with no problems, but gets difficult on smaller.
The pcb is only 3cm.
3cm, I never noticed the size.
But a soldering iron on the main IC would be a problem, you’d be better with a hot air solder station.
IT may be worth investing in one of them if your in a career where SMT assembly may often be undertaken.
I’d expect it to coat way less than the assembly quote.
Unless you’re doing something very expensive or extremely critical (unlikely since it’s your first board), just try it yourself. If you can afford an assembly service, you can afford to buy a toaster oven, a thermometer and some solder paste and a stencil from OSH stencils. All that will cost you less than just their setup fees.
It’s easier than you think.