when's the next order going out?

Hi - just curious - I just submitted my order for a PCB. (my first too - hope I did everything right - but I ran it through all the online tests and it came out clean, and the freedfm drawing of it looked correct too)

Anyways - I’m just curious as to when the next order is going out, and when abouts I should expect to receive it? I’m not in a huge hurry, and if I have to wait a while I really don’t mind - I’m just curious.

Lastly - thanks for providing this service! Once this board goes through I’m really looking forward to the $2.50/in^2 price - I’ll definitely be using it quite a lot!

Just placed my first order tonight. I used the online testes, and viewed the files with viewmate and everything looked ok. Not in any hurry at all, take all the time you need spark. :slight_smile:

Most orders go out on a friday, with DRC checks on them on thursday/friday. After that its 10-18 days to allow for postage from china (this is where the savings are made, albeit slow methods) and then sparkfun has to sort and post all the PCBs.

I could be wrong tho, i am an international buyer so the 10-18 days could be specifically for EU delivary.

Just received first board today.

Here’s the time line:

Sat 2005-May-21 Order placed at SFE; would have been better to order on Wed

Thu 2005-May-26 DRC passed; “expect delivery in 10 to 18 days”

Tue 2005-Jun-07 Shipped; postmark in Boulder, CO

Wed 2005-Jun-15 Order arrived; in Calgary, AB, Canada

Total elapsed time 25 days.

Elapsed time from DRC message 20 days. Obviously clearing customs threw off Ben’s estimate.


Customs and actual times are difficult to get. the US customs could have taken a bit longer that expected too, slowing the process down.
