Which microcontroller is suitable to Impedance measurement

I have a Launchxl-F28377S and i have read an article about Microcontroller Applications and Its Principle http://www.apogeeweb.net/article/58.html, but it seems not suitable to my application and I wonder which microcontroller in low-power family is suitable to this application? It is not easier to figure out one in this family.

The application:

Impedance measurement

Input siganl: Sine wave 10MHz. The aquisition rate and SNR of the ADCs on the Launchpad can’t fit this requirement therefore a ADC is reqired, such as ADS5560.

Output signal: 0-10V and +/-10V. The bipolar output DAC is required, for example, DAC7760.

PWM, encoders are not neccessary in this application.
