why reading nrf24l01 register error


char test[5];

void SPI_Send(char data)


char i;

for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)


MOSI = data.7;

SCK = 1;

SCK = 0;

data <<= 1;



// output command and get STATUS value from SPI

char SPI_Send_Read_cmd(char command)


uns8 i;

uns8 status,data;

data = command;

for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)


status << =1;

MOSI = data.7;

SCK = 1;

status.0 = MISO;

SCK = 0;

data <<= 1;


return status;


//Send N bytes from buf into SPI

char SPI_Send_N (char *buf, char Length)


char len =0;

while (Length != 0)






return len;


char readRegister_Len(char command, char * buffer, char len)


char status;

CE = 0; // ensure chip is disabled

CSN = 0; // acivate chip select

status = SPI_Send_Read_cmd(command); // write command

SPI_Read_N(buffer,len); // read registers

CSN = 1; // disable chip select

return status;


Following is application

writeRegister_addr(RX_ADDR_P1, Client_Address);


Perform a simple read to make sure that memory is being

correctly written.


readRegister_Len(RX_ADDR_P1, &test[0],ADDRESS_LENGTH);


Will return NO_POWER if the read RX1 address does not match

the address written, meaning that there’s no power to the



if(test[0] != Client_Address[0] || test[1] != Client_Address[1] || test[2] != Client_Address[2]

|| test[3] != Client_Address[3] || test[4] != Client_Address[4]){

return 0;


i find the value of test always not equal to the value of Client_Address,why??