Hai Everybody,

I have been working on a RN_XV 174 Wifly module for a month now.I had got it configured to automatically connect to wifi router and access INTERNET. But suddenly in between programming, the Wifly got stuck with just the RED LED ON. I took off the power supply and turned it ON again. Only the RED LED turns ON and stays like that. I tried giving the $$$ to enter into command mode, but NO response from the WIFLY. IF anybody knows whts going on with my Wifly pls HELP ME… :oops:

Got the same thing.

Did you solve it ?

I think I’ve fried the module :frowning:

Once in a while when programming if you alter a parameter that is associate with how it connects to a router, you can get stuck. It is sometimes easiest to just do the factory reset. Don’t forget though to go put back in your latest FTP firmware after a reset. Always have the latest firmware installed.

19.1. Restoring Default configuration settings:

From command interface use the factory RESET command to restore the defaults. This command automatically loads default settings, and executes a “save” command. You then need to issue the reboot command so that the module reboots with the default configurations.

From hardware, setting PIO9 high on power up arms the factory reset functional and toggling PIO9 five (5) times there after causes the configuration setting to restored to the factory reset.

PIO9 is sampled at about 1 Hz, so if using a CPU to generate the signal, make sure that PIO9 transitions (H to L or L to H) are at least 1 second long.