Wifly server polling

Hi everyone,

I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to wifi communcations…and I have a question:

I’d like to use my wifly chip to poll a server every five minutes. To conserve power, I’d like the wifly to be powered off. When it is time to poll the server, the chip is then powered on, allowed to auto-connect, and then sends an open command to get information from my web server. Once it gets the info, the chip is then powered back off.

I’m wondering if this is a problem – does my router give the wifly a new DHCP lease each time it connects? Will it eventually crash with too many open leases?

It shouldn’t. The router should recognize the WiFly’s MAC address and either reuse the previous IP, or recycle it for future use. If that’s not the case, you could always go with a predetermined IP address. Just make sure your router is configured accordingly so it doesn’t auto-assign that IP to your XBOX. ;o)