Wifly taking weird dhcp address

I got a wifly to use as an wireless interface between an arm board and my comptuer. I got it up and running no problem in AdHOC mode. Today, I tried to join it to my home network. It joins the network no problem, but takes a funny address.

I have my dhcp address range start at and run up from there. The Wifly module seems to like to take no matter how many times I power cycle, it renews its lease, etc. Since its out of range, and not a static address, it won’t talk to anything else. I have no idea what to do to make it take a good address. Any thoughts?

That does sound weird, because the address should be assigned by the router to be in the proper range. What happens if you could make the range of allowable addresses include

I got it working for a little while last night. If I took my laptop off the network, the wifly would get on and vise versa. I shut off my laptop’s wireless this morning and tried to get the wifly on, and nothing. It only wants to take I tried moving the dhcp range to include that address, and still no luck. What I did notice is that the router reports that it has a different address than it thinks it does.

EX. Router reports wifly as being Wifly thinks its (this is what it thinks right now)

I also noticed that it gets my gateway wrong. My router is on the network. It thinks gateway is

When it and my laptop were fighting last night, it seemed that when wifly was on, my computer would only take the address, and have the bad default gateway. I’m really puzzled by this one.

I have a second router I did some testing with as well. That’s how I noticed the problem between laptop and wifly. It almost seems to be something to do with using the 192.168.2.xxx subnet, but I’m not sure.

EDIT: New Information

Changing the subnet on the router to 192.168.0.x did nothing. The module still wants to take address Could it be that its caching this address from this ap due to a bug in the firmware? I have it set to dhcp mode 1

Have you upgraded to the latest firmware? If not, do so as versions earlier than 2.38 are pretty buggy. See recent forum posts for the method as the websites keep changing.

I was going to do that last night, but I haven’t come up with a way. It won’t get on my network, so I can’t just point it at their server. I tried setting up a local FTP server (over ad-hoc) with the images. It will pull them from there, but then I get some error messages, and it says that it didn’t replace the firmware. I aslo tried forwarding the ad-hoc, but to no avial. Is there another way to make this thing take firmware?

Call or email Roving Networks. I’ve found them to be pretty responsive.

Is your router standard fare for whoever the local Internet provider is distributing?

Then if so, it could be grabbing DHCP assignment from a neighbor.

Also, just for experimental frillies, try assigning a static IP on your router matching the devices MAC address, and see how that is handled.

If it rejects and wont connect at whatever MAC slot was provided, that can cut your networking problem in half at least.( I like to divide problems up into halves , equal or not, to reduce possibilities before any real serious thinking must come in to play )