Wifly Shield - increase baudrate


I have an application that was previously using the Arduino Ethernet shield that I not want to port to the Wifly shield.

I played with the library (alpha release 2) and to some extend was successful in changing my old sketch to the wifly shield. But now I have a problem: The data exchange speed is very slow. This is not because of my wireless router because I’m using a dedicated wireless router that is very near the board.

After a bit of investigation I found [some old posts on this forum that discuss the possibility of increasing the speed but I’m having trouble accomplishing that. Every time I change the line (on the spiUart.h library file)

#define BAUD_RATE_DEFAULT 9600

to something like

#define BAUD_RATE_DEFAULT 115200

The sketch will hang on Wifly.begin();

Note that when I change the line above (actually setting the SPI to UART bridge speed), I also change the Wifly module speed by adding the command:

sendCommand("set uart baudrate 115200");

to the WiflyDevice.cpp library file, effectively instructing the wifly module to change to the same speed.

This does not work :wink:

Anybody with experience on the library and the Wifly Shield feeling like discussing some solutions for this problem?



Rui](Wifly speed - SparkFun Electronics Forum)