WinARM and Samsung S3C44B0X ARM7TDMI


I am looking for guidance on getting the WinARM environment setup correctly for the Samsung S3C44B0X ARM7TDMI microcontroller. I currently have a dev board and am fairly familiar with most of its peripherals and memories. Unforunately, the dev board came with a very very old IDE. Believe it or not, it uses ARM Project Manager v2.51. This was pre ARM ADS.

I am not new to ARM processors but then again I have never had to deal with the assembler startup files and knowing how to configure the linker to setup my RW (data and variables) and RO (application) memory in RAM especially with WinARM. Most of my projects were based on very common and modern dev boards where environments were already setup.

So, my goal is to be able to learn how to setup a WinARM environment with the S3C44B0X ARM7TDMI microcontroller.

Are there any good guides on how to accomplish this? I guess I just don’t know where/how to start.

Thanks in advance for any information.
