Wind direction


I have the SparkFun weather board hooked up to a SparkFun red board via soldered headers. The weather vane shows an adc reading of 1023, maxing out I assume, for roughly half of the 360 degrees and readings in the 500/600-900 range for the other half. I have physically tested the magnetic reed switches with a continuity test using a meter and magnet to close them. They all appear to close. Could there be some voltage issue on either board which might be causing the voltage reaching the adc to be to high? Have I missed some set up point?



What ohm values are you seeing? … _Meter.pdf

When I measure the resistance values of the vane when not connected to the board, the individual magnetic switches give the resistance value as per the writing on the board. So they all appear to be working. If I measure the voltage on the WindDir pin on the board against ground, I get a range of about 1.95v to 3.9v. A large portion of the 360 degrees is around the 3.8v mark. Any voltage above circa 3.3V gives me an adc reading of 1023. I am not an expert on adc but could the Arduino somehow be reading the wrong reference voltage. For reference the standard Arduino weather sketch from the Sparkfun website reads the bat_lvl as 4.63v continuously when powered off USB. I have also tried a 12v jack power supply and it made no difference to the wind dir readings.

For anyone out there as daft as me, switch the RedBoard Plus logic level from 3.3v to 5v using the on board switch. Wind direction then works fine. Now to get the GPS module to work which seems to not communicate at all!