wireless & bascom

Transceiver - 2.4GHz with Built-In Antenna

SKU#: WRL-00151

wireless serial comm…

has anyone used these with avr bascom

bought 5 modules for home energy project…

any info would be great…

i am newbie to bascom & wireless…


Had you have gotten the MiRF-v2 board, there’s a project on my website that was written by Evert Dekker that is exactly what you are asking for. You may still want to have a look at it to help you get started. You will have to modify the source code and schematics to work with the board you have, as your board is based on the nRF2401A and the project on my site is based on the nRF24L01.

cheers brennen for the reply…

interesting site…lots of info…

downloaded file will look through it…
