I would like to please if the Sparkfun breakout board BOB-21772 or BOB-21250 can be used with the Raspberry Pi given that it uses the WM8960 and that there is a driver for the WM8960 for other breakout boards utilising the WM8960.
For example the WaveShare device utilises the pyalsaaudio interface for Linux. The interface works with all PCM-based soundcards and that includes the WM8960.
I like your offering because I want to connect audio sources electrically like a vinyl record pre-amp or higher quality microphones. The other boards using the WM8960 have MEMs microphones connected to the line inputs. I don’t want the inbuit microphones.
In essence want to connect electrically audio sources into the WM8960 and not use in built microphones of other devices.
Apart from wiring the 3.3V, GND and Qwiik I2C connectors to the RPI, are there:
Any other wiring requirements to connect the Sparkfun board BIB-21772 or BOB-21250 to the RPi
What drivers are needed to download for the RPi
What settings on the RPi are needed to make your boards work?
Thank you
Anthony, Sydney