Thanks for everything…
- Use a ground flood, either on one or both layers. Currently all grounds are 10 mil traces and there is a ton of room to spare. This is as simple as drawing a polygon on a layer, naming it “GND”, and hitting the ratsnest button.
I try to add a polygon with the name GND, however it says that I got already something else with the name “GND”. What should I do? Can I use the whole board for 1 ground?
- The POWER and IC1 text is off the board. I suggest using the smash tool and moving it back onto the board so you can read it.
Fixed that :)
- Put a date or revision number on it.
Thanks for the tip, did that too.
- 90 degree traces are frowned upon. You can use the miter tool to give them 45 degrees.
I used autoroute, it there no setting for this for example: "Only 45 degrees"?
- (Schematic) You have GND going to VDD and +4ish (after the diode drop) going to one VSS pin. Vss (the source) is GND and Vdd (drain) should be +4/5.
Connect all power pins. Also place a capacitor between power and ground (0.1uF ceramic for digital logic is a good starting point)
I added the capacitor, hopefully I did it right (check my attachment, please). … =en&swap=1
Yes, I got also a error message in Eagle about that Vss & Vdd pins, but then this person has also an error in his design right?
Here you can see the schematic from Ian: (I try to make my own one)
So what to do? Just switch the Vss & Vdd or was it with deliberately?
- I would frown upon an offboard oscillator unless it can deliver a fully buffered signal. What are you using?
He said I can use every OSCILLATOR from 10MHZ, so I think I gonna use this one: … %2F1216192
I think it’s also better to add it onboard. Strange is the fact that Ian used 3 pins for the oscillator. But my oscillator has 4 pins
? I think Ian didn’t draw his VCC input line? I also don’t know if pin 10 (OSC2) & 9 (OSC1) from the PIC should be on the OE and FO or FO and OE?
Thanks already!
File was too big, so I uploaded it here:
Kind regards,
Melroy van den Berg