hey guys, i have a camera and sd breakout connected to my arduino uno. basically i’m confused on how to create a new file every time i reset/upload to the arduino. right now it creates “test.txt” and just writes every following session onto the same file. i want a new file for every session, so “test01.txt, test02.txt, test03.txt, etc.”
here’s my code:
#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
#include <JPEGCamera.h>
#include <FatStructs.h>
#include <Sd2Card.h>
#include <Sd2PinMap.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <SdFatmainpage.h>
#include <SdFatUtil.h>
#include <SdInfo.h>
#include <MemoryCard.h>
#include <MemoryCardDevice.h>
JPEG Camera Example Sketch
The sketch will take a picture on the JPEG Serial Camera and store the jpeg to an SD card
on an SD Shield
Written by Ryan Owens
SparkFun Electronics
Hardware Notes:
This sketch assumes the arduino has the microSD shield from SparkFun attached.
The camera Rx/Tx should be attached to pins 2 and 3.
IMPORTANT: The JPEG camera requires a TTL level shifter between the camera output
and the arduino. Bypassing this may damage the Arduino pins.
//This example requires the MemoryCard, SdFat, JPEGCamera and NewSoftSerial libraries
#include <MemoryCard.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <JPEGCamera.h>
#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
//Create an instance of the camera
JPEGCamera camera;
//Create a character array to store the cameras response to commands
char response[32];
//Count is used to store the number of characters in the response string.
unsigned int count=0;
//Size will be set to the size of the jpeg image.
int size=0;
//This will keep track of the data address being read from the camera
int address=0;
//eof is a flag for the sketch to determine when the end of a file is detected
//while reading the file data from the camera.
int eof=0;
void setup()
//Setup the camera, serial port and memory card
//Reset the camera
//Take a picture
//Print the response to the 'TAKE_PICTURE' command.
//Get the size of the picture
count = camera.getSize(response, &size);
//Print the size
Serial.print("Size: ");
//Create a file called 'test.txt' on the SD card.
//NOTE: The memoryCard libary can only create text files.
//The file has to be renamed to .jpg when copied to a computer.
MemoryCard.open("/test.txt", true);
//Starting at address 0, keep reading data until we've read 'size' data.
while(address < size)
//Read the data starting at the current address.
count=camera.readData(response, address);
//Store all of the data that we read to the SD card
for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
//Check the response for the eof indicator (0xFF, 0xD9). If we find it, set the eof flag
if((response[i] == (char)0xD9) && (response[i-1]==(char)0xFF))eof=1;
//Save the data to the SD card
MemoryCard.file.print(response[i], BYTE);
//If we found the eof character, get out of this loop and stop reading data
//Increment the current address by the number of bytes we read
//Make sure we stop reading data if the eof flag is set.
//Close the file
void loop()